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Parent Involvement

All Stars is unique in how it successfully engages parents and other important adults in the program.

All Stars Character Education gives parents hands-on ideas of how to reinforce what is taught with their late elementary child through memos sent home after every activity. This reinforcement at home has proven to enhance the outcomes of the program.

Moving from elementary and into middle school can be just as challenging for parents as it is for their kids. We go from being one of the most admired, loved, and smartest people in our kids’ lives during the elementary years to someone who doesn’t know anything anymore and plays “second fiddle” to our kids’ friends.  Our kids desire their parent’s guidance, love and support one minute and the next wish they would disappear. They tell us everything about their day and what’s going on in their life during the elementary years to shutting down and not wanting to tell us anything or offering only one to two word answers to our questions. A breakdown in communication is one of the biggest challenges between middle school students and adults.

All Stars Core, Booster and Plus empowers middle school students to have conversations with a parent or another important adult (e.g. grandparent, aunt or uncle, coach, teacher). Through guided worksheets and discussion questions, students get feedback and advice from an adult about their desired future. All Stars Core and Plus include four conversations and All Stars Booster has three. Insights and proven tips on how to successfully engage students and adults in these conversations are shared in the teacher training.

These conversations are one of the many things parents love about All Stars! Here are a few quotes from parents regarding the All Stars conversations:

“I have been wanting to talk with my son about things like this but I didn’t know how to bring the subject up. I’m glad that we had to talk about it in All Stars. Thank you.”

“All Stars opened doors between Christina and me. We were able to discuss situations in depth and personal subjects. Even though Cristina and I are open to any type of conversation, All Stars gave us a feeling of greater closeness while discussing various topics. I enjoyed the challenge and knowledge Cristina got from the program. Thank you!”

“I would like for my daughter to have inner strength because in this world today she will need it. I hope she has a great achievement in whatever she decides to be. I don’t want her to work herself to death in a factory like I am. I want her to get a good education.”

